Impressum Nachrichtenbrief Jerome Eden
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PART ONE: 1934-1935 (Sex Economy I)





Wilhelm Reich: La Crise Sexuelle Paris: Editions sociales internationales, 1934 (French translation of 30a.)

The sexual crisis.


Wilhelm Reich: Massenpsychologie des Faschismus. Zur Sexualökonomie der politischen Reaktion und zur proletarischen Sexualpolitik, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 2. revised edition, (April) 1934, 300 pp. (Cf. 33b. A 9 page epilogue added.)

Mass psychology of fascism. Concerning the sex-economics of the political reaction and concerning proletarian sex-politics.




Ernst Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): Was ist Klassenbewußtsein? - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiterbewegung - Politisch-Psychologische Schriftenreihe, Nr. 1, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, (end of July) 1934, 72 pp. (In: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934.)

What is class consciousness? A contribution to the discussion on the new formation of the worker's movement. Political-psychological series of the Sex-Pol, No. 1.

Preface (Manuscript dated June 1934)
1. Two kinds of class consciousness, pp. 5-18
2. Some concrete elements of class consciousness and some inhibitions in the mass individual (contains a part of 34l)
3. Bourgeois and revolutionary politics, pp. 35-44
4. Class consciousness developed from the life of the masses, pp. 44-65
5. Basic tenets for the discussion of the new formation of the worker's movement, pp. 65-69
Index of borrowed foreign words and difficult terms, pp. 70



Wilhelm Reich: Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse - Politisch Psychologische Schriftenreihe der Sex-Pol Nr. 2, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1934, 60 pp. (29b with a foreword, extended by footnotes, and supplemented by 34f. In: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934.)

Materialism and psychoanalysis. Political-psychological series of the Sex-Pol, No. 2.

Preface for the reprint of 1934, pp. 3-4
1. Introductory note, pp. 5-9 (heavily extended by remarks)
2. The materialistic discoveries of psychoanalysis and some idealistic interpretations, pp. 9-22 (heavily extended by remarks)
3. The dialectics of the psyche, pp. 22-39 (heavily extended by remarks)
4. The sociological position of psychoanalysis, pp. 40-47 (heavily extended by remarks)
5. On the application of psychoanalysis in the study of history, pp. 48-59



Wilhelm Reich: Der Orgasmus als elektrophysiologische Entladung - Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie Nr.1, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1934, 16. pp. (Manuscript August 1933. In: The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety.)

The orgasm as an electro-physiological discharge. Treatises on personal sex-economy, No. 1.

1. The linkage with present-day knowledge
2. Some peculiar features of sexuality
3. Mechanical tension - electrical charge; electrical discharge - mechanical relaxation






Die Redaktion: "An den Leser!" ZPS I(1), inner jacket

The editors. To the reader of the ZPS.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Zur Einführung" ZPS I(1), pp. 1-4

Introduction into the ZPS.



Wilhelm Reich: "Zur Anwendung der Psychoanalyse in der Geschichtsforschung" ZPS I(1), pp. 4-16 (In: 34b.)

On the application of psychoanalysis in the study of history.


E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiter-Bewegung (I. Teil)" ZPS I(1), pp. 16-29 (In: 34a.)

What is class consciousness? A contribution to the discussion on the new formation of the worker's movement. Part 1.

1. Justification
2. Two kinds of "class consciousness"


Wilhelm Reich: "Der Orgasmus als elektrophysiologische Entladung" ZPS I(1), pp. 29-43 (In: 34c.)

The orgasm as an electro-physiological discharge.

1. The linkage with present-day knowledge
2. Some peculiar features of sexuality
3. Mechanical tension - electrical charge; electrical discharge - mechanical relaxation


Otto Fenichel: "Über die Psychoanalyse als Keim einer zukünftigen dialektisch-materialistischen Psychologie" ZPS I(1), pp. 43-62 (In: American Imago 24, 1967, pp. 290-311.)

Psychoanalysis as the nucleus of a future dialectical-materialistic psychology.



E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Einwände gegen Massenpsychologie und Sexualpolitik (Erster Teil)" ZPS I(1), pp. 62-70 (Cf. 34k.)

Objections against mass psychology and sex-politics: Part 1.


J.H. Leunbach: "Religion und Sexualität" ZPS I(1), pp. 70-73

Religion and sexuality.


A.R.: "Wien in den Februartagen. Ein paar Begebenheiten" ZPS I(1), pp. 73-74

Vienna in February. A few occurrences.


die Redaktion: "'Unpolitische' Wissenschaft" ZPS I(1), pp. 74-76 (Short citation from Richard Sterba's paper "Theorie der Angst" [1933] and reprint of Carl Mueller-Braunschweig's paper "Psychoanalyse und Weltanschauung" [1933].)

The editors. "Unpolitical" science.


N.N.: "Aussprüche und Erlebnisse" ZPS I(1), pp. 77-78

Utterances and experiences in the communist movement.


H.J. Leunbach: "Sex-Pol-Bewegung: I. Ein Gesetzvorschlag gegen Verhütungsmittel in England. II. Sexualreform in Schweden" ZPS I(1), pp. 78-79

Sex-Pol movement. A legal proposal against contraceptives in England. Sex-reform in Sweden.


N.N.: "Marxismus-Ideologie-Psychologie" ZPS I(1), pp. 79-80 (Four citations from Lenin's paper About Unions.)

Marxism, ideology, psychology.


K.M. (Karl Muster): Review of "Le Probleme Sexuel" ZPS I(1), pp. 81-84 (A French journal.)

The problem of sexuality.


Observer: Review of "Walter Kolbenhoff: Untermenschen" ZPS I(1), pp. 84-85


N.N.: "Redaktionelle Bemerkungen" ZPS I(1), pp. 86-87

Editorial notes.

For consideration
Recommendable literature
(search of the editors for a) Marxist economist, "no revisionist!"
Arbeiterkorrespondenz (workers correspondent's reports) and criticisms
Content of the second issue and other things



N.N.: "Ihre Aufgabe ist:" ZPS I(2), p. 88 (Manifesto of the ZPS.)

Its Purpose is...





Die Sex-Pol-Leitung (Wilhelm Reich): "An alle Antifaschisten!" ZPS I(2), pp. 89-90

The Sex-Pol board. To all antifascists.


E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? (II. Teil)" ZPS I(1), pp. 90-107 (In: 34a.)

What is class consciousness? Part 2.

Some concrete elements of class consciousness and some inhibitions in the mass individual

a. in youth (in puberty and after puberty)
(b.) in females
(c.) in adult working males
(d.) in children?


Wolfgang Teschitz [pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky]: "Zur Kritik der kommunistischen Politik in Deutschland (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Thesen des 13ten Ekkiplenums)" ZPS I(2), pp. 107-115

Concerning the criticism of Communist politics in Germany. With special consideration of the theses of the 13th plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.

1. On the method

a. Mass psychology and the Marxist criticism thus far
b. On the mass psychological structure of the Communist Party

2. A mass psychological investigation of the main points of the criticism

a. S.P.D. and fascism
b. United front tactics
c. Labor union policy

3. On the situation in Germany

a. the "revolutionary upturn"
b. contradictions inside fascism



Wilhelm Reich: "Ein Widerspruch der Freud'schen Verdrängungslehre" ZPS I(2), pp. 115-125 (Written 1932. In: 36a, 1. chapter.)

A contradiction in Freud's doctrine of repression.

Note (original version in: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 103f)

a. Sexual repression and drive abstention
b. Drive satisfaction and drive abstention


Wilhelm Reich: "Der Urgegensatz des vegetativen Lebens" ZPS I(2), pp. 125-142 (In: 35c.)

The primary antithesis of vegetative life.

I. Starting point and fundamental ideas
II. Sexual excitation and anxiety affect

1. The problem of anxiety
2. Sexuality and anxiety as opposite excitations of the vegetative system
3. The Misch choline experiment
4. The two basic forms of psychic tendencies: "Toward the world" - "Away from the world"
5. Tendency to assume spherical form


Walter Kolbenhoff: "Der Traum" ZPS I(2), pp. 142-145 (A chapter from Kolbenhoff's novel Untermenschen.)

The dream.



E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Einwände gegen Massenpsychologie und Sexualpolitik (Zweiter Teil)" ZPS I(2) pp. 146-152 (Cf. 34g.)

contains: "Über die Beziehung von Klassengegensatz und Sexualunterdrückung," pp. 150-152 (Later published in: Preface of 36a.)

Objections against mass psychology and sex-politics: Part 2. On the relationship between class contrast and sexual suppression.


Karl Muster: "Theologie - spottet ihrer selbst und weiss nicht wie" ZPS I(2), pp. 152-153 (On Gnostic heresies.)

Theology. Defies itself and does not know how.


N.N.: "'S' Typus und 'J' Typus - Rassenfrage vor der deutschen Wissenschaft" ZPS I(2), p. 153 (A note from the Czechoslovakian newspaper Prager Tageblatt.)

"S" type and "J" type. The problem of race facing German science.


J.H. Leunbach: "Ein Pornografie-Prozess in Schweden" ZPS I(2), pp. 153-156

A pornography trial in Sweden.


H.B.: "Zusammenkunft skandinavischer Psychoanalytiker in Oslo" ZPS I(2), pp. 157-158

Meeting of Scandinavian psychoanalysts in Oslo on 4. April 1934.


N.N.: "Marxismus-Ideologie-Psychologie" ZPS I(2), p. 159 (Three citations from Marx's Theories on Surplus Value, and Marx/Engels' German Ideology.)

Marxism, ideology, psychology.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Anfragen" ZPS I(2), pp. 159-164


Inquiry from Luxemburg

II. Inquiry about the nature of hatred against the Jews

Inquiry from Zurich
Inquiry from Paris: The "sexual freedom" of the Hitler Youth

N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Was hat die Elektrophysiologie des Orgasmus mit der Politik zu tun?"

What does the electrophysiology of orgasm have to do with politics?



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Japans grosse Handelsoffensive" ZPS I(2), pp. 164-165

Japan's big trade offensive.


N.N.: "Empfehlenswerte Literatur" ZPS I(2), p. 165

Recommendable literature.


N.N.: "Eingegangene Schriften" ZPS I(2), p. 165

Writings received.


N.N.: "Redaktionelle Bemerkungen" ZPS I(2), pp. 165-167

Editorial notes.

Is the Journal too theoretical?
Reports urgently desired
Criticism asked for
Instruction for worker's correspondents





Wilhelm Reich: "Roheims 'Psychoanalyse primitiver Kulturen'" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 169-195 (In: 35a.)

Roheim's "Psychoanalysis of Primitive Cultures."

1. Roheim's method of ethnologic research
2. Wild interpretation and thus a grotesque exaggeration of the common wrong viewpoint
3. Roheim defeats his own theory and confirms the invasion of sexual morality
4. Is infantile anxiety determined socially or biologically?
5. Why Roheim becomes more and more important?


O. Hansen: "Ein Kinderschicksal - Beitrag zur Strukturbildung des bürgerlichen Menschen" ZPS, I(3,4), pp. 196-206

A child's fate. Contribution about the structural formation of the bourgeois individual.


Wilhelm Reich: "Die vegetative Urform des Libido-Angst-Gegensatzes" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 207-225 (In: 35c.)

The vegetative primary form of the libido-anxiety antithesis.

1. The flow of fluids and psychic "tendency" in the organism
2. Kraus's "fluid theory of life"
3. Potassium and Calcium as vegetatively active ions
4. The antitheses of center and periphery


E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? (III. Teil, Schluss)" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 207-225 (In: 34a.)

What is class consciousness? Part 3, conclusion.

Bourgeois and revolutionary politics

Fetish "politics"
Why did Litvinov not address the masses?
Poblems and principles of revolutionary politics
The bourgeois policy of the K.P.D.
Revolutionary politics inside the party

Class consciousness developed from the life of the masses
The leaders, the party, and the masses
The attitude of the Sex-Pol towards the "new party"
Folk song and folk dance as lever of revolutionary feeling
Revolutionary scientific work
The fear of revolution
The cop as state and as private individual
Developing revolutionary state policy from the needs of the people
Appropriation of one's own property


Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): "Zur Kritik der kommunistischen Politik (Ein Nachtrag)" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 256-258

Concerning the criticism of communist politics in Germany. A postscript.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Zur Geschichte der Sex-Pol-Bewegung: Teil 1" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 259-269

On the history of the Sex-Pol movement: Part 1.

Preliminary remark of the editors

"Where the club mania leads to" from the Gegenangriff of 7.1.34 (a Stalinist magazine)
"By means of sexual inhibition into the Third Reich" by Arnold Arm, from Deutsche Volkszeitung of 20.4.34. (a Stalinist magazine)

History of the German Sex-Pol movement, I.

"The sex-political platform of the 'German Unified Association for Proletarian Sex-Politics'" (read June 1931 in Düsseldorf)

Sexual suppression and sexual misery as undetachable element of the economic system of capitalism
The basic elements of the sexual misery and their anchoring in capitalism

1. The abortion problem
2. The housing problem
3. Prostitution
4. Neuroses and sexual disorders
Our pressure demands


N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Zum Arbeitsdienstflugblatt aus 'Massenpsychologie des Faschismus' Seite 261 f" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 269-271 (Cf. 33b.)

On the conscription labor leaflet from Mass Psychology of Facism.

Report of a German comrade
Remark of the editors
For illustration: Conscription labor and the sexual problem (quotation from Neue Weltbühne, 1934)



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Wie sollen wir zur Frage der Homosexualität in der SA Stellung nehmen" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 271-272

What position shall we take towards the problem of homosexuality in the S.A.?



N.N.: "Der Führer will das nicht!" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 273-274 (Article from the socialist newspaper Neuer Vorwärts with a comment by the editors.)

The Fuehrer does not want this!


N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Grundsätze zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiterbewegung" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 274-277 (In: 34a.)

Basic tenets for the discussion of the new formation of the worker's movement.

Concerning the assessment of political events
Concerning the working method
We ourself - the party


N.N.: "Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen" ZPS I(3,4), p. 278 (Five notes.)

Experiences and observations.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Wo liegt die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der Angstpsychologie?" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 279-280 (On 34c.)

Wherein lies the social significance of the psychology of anxiety?


N.N.: "Marxismus-Ideologie-Psychologie" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 281-283


Julius Epstein: "Marx, Peuchet und die Psychoanalyse" (Plus four quotations from Lenin: Agitation und Propaganda, Zetkin: Erinnerungen an Lenin, Engels: Der Ursprung der Familie, Lenin: Der "Radikalismus", die Kinderkrankheit des Kommunismus.)

Marxism, ideology, psychology. Includes "Marx, Peuchet and Psychoanalysis" by Julius Epstein, and citations from Lenin and Engels.



N.N.: "Anfragen" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 284-288





W. Reich: "Einige Gedanken über freundschaftliche Kritik oder 'Der Stein von Eslöv'" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 289-290

Some thoughts on friendly criticism or "The stone of Esloev." Editorial.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Besprechungen: Vorbemerkung der Reaktion" ZPS I(3,4), p. 291

Reviews. Preliminary remarks of the editors.


K.M. (Karl Muster): Review of "R. und Y. Allendy: Capitalisme et Sexualite" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 291-295

Capitalism and sexuality.

(1.) Introduction)
2.) Allendy's theory of drives
3.) Wrong conclusions from A.'s theory of drives


N.N.: "Aktuelle politische Schriften" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 296-298

Current political writings.

Bw: "Otto Strasser: 30. Juni Vorgeschichte, Verlauf, Folgen"

Socialist revolution or fascist war?
Marxism is dead. Socialism lives.

P.S.: "Adolf Sturmthal: Das amerikanische Experiment"
Bw.: "Cassie Michaelis, Heinz Michaelis, W.O. Somin: Die braune Kultur"
Bw.: "Das Schwarzbuch. Tatsachen und Dokumente"
Ro.: "Das III. Reich in der Karikatur"
Bw.: "Ilja Ehrenburg: Bürgerkrieg in Österreich"
Bw.: "F.C. Weiskopf: Die Stärkeren"
Pi.: "Bruno Frei: Hanussen. Ein Bericht"
Pi.: "Joachim von Kürenberg: 14 Jahre - 14 Köpfe"


N.N.: "Zeitungen - Zeitschriften" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 298-299

Newspapers and journals.

P.S.: "Westland," independent German weekly from Saarbrücken


N.N.: "Eingegangene Schriften" ZPS I(3,4), p. 299

Writings received.


N.N.: "Redaktionelle Bemerkungen" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 299-300

Editorial notes.

Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse (34b)
How do I subscribe to the Zeitschrift für politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie
Commission agents in all countries


Redaktion und Verlag: "An unsere Leser!" ZPS I(3,4), inner jacket (Cf. 35K.)

The editors and publishers. To our subscribers.

To our readers!

Formation of circles of friends
Publication of information letters appearing at irregular intervals
those interested turn to the editors of the Zeitschrift with name and address





Wilhelm Reich: "Pornografi og Seksualvidenskab" Aadehullet II, København, February 1934, pp. 34-36

Pornography and sex-research.



Sigurd Hoel: "Rebell og trell" Fritt Ord, Oslo, 1934, pp. 5-15 (Essay on fascism.)

Rebel and slave. Free word.


Sigurd Hoel: "Du skal ikke - Noen bemerkninger om fascistenes ubevisste motiver" Fritt Ord, Oslo, Dec. 1934, pp. 291-303 (In fact a review of 33b.)

You shall not. Some remarks about the unconscious motive of the fascists. Free word.





Wilhelm Reich: "Forord til den danske udgave" (December 1934), preface to the Danish translation of Freud's "Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie" translated by Jørgen Neergaard: Tre Afhandlinger om Seksualteori, København: Store Nordiske Videnskabsboghandel, pp. III-IV

Three Essays on the Sexual Theory.




Theodor Hartwig: "Wilhelm Reich: Massenpsychologie des Faschismus" Der Freidenker, Strasbourg, 2. Vol., No. 7, Sept. 1934 (Hartwig was the former leader of the Austrian and German Freethinkers. Cf. 33b.)

Mass psychology of fascism.




Wilhelm Reich: Application for admission to the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Association, early Dec. 1934. Described in: Karl Fallend/Bernd Nitzschke: Der "Fall" Reich, Frankfurt 1997, pp. 54-55




Otto Fenichel: minutes of the discussion at the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Association, 14. December 1934. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 171-176





Wilhelm Reich: Opening remarks to the lecture 35M. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994




12.11., 14.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994





Wilhelm Reich to the Danish justice minister: 30.3. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 54


Wilhelm Reich to Sergei Eisenstein: 14.7. In: Sociologiceskie Issledovanija, Moskva, XV, 1977, pp. 183-186. And in: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/82


Wilhelm Reich to Otto Fenichel: May/June (3x), June (2x), June/July, July/Aug., Aug., Sept./Oct. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 102, 103, 103f, 107, 117, 120f, 121f, 129, 149


Wilhelm Reich to Anna Freud: Aug. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 128f


Wilhelm Reich to group of dialectical-materialistic psychoanalysts: 26.3., 30.5., 21.6., 16.12. (postscript on Fenichel not sent). In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich group of dialectical-materialistic psychoanalysts: 26.3., 30.5. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 69-75, 96f
Wilhelm Reich to group of dialectical-materialistic psychoanalysts: 16.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Lotte Liebeck: 10.11. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967. And in: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Annie Reich: 17.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994



Ernst Bien to Wilhelm Reich: 26.7. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 70


Otto Fenichel to Wilhelm Reich: May/June (2x) In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 102, 104


Lotte Liebeck to Wilhelm Reich: 10.11. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967








Wilhelm Reich: Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral. Zur Geschichte der sexuellen Ökonomie, second revised edition, Kopenhagen: Sexpol-Verlag, 1935, XV + 151 pp. (32a with 34n as addendum. In: The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality.)

The invasion of sexual morality. On the history of sex-economics.

Preface to the second edition, November 1934
Preface (Manuscript September 1931)

APPENDIX: Roheim's "Psychoanalysis of primitive cultures" (34n)
Index of foreign loan words



Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): Religion, Kirche, Religionsstreit in Deutschland. Politisch-Psychologische Schriftenreihe der Sex-Pol, Nr. 3, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1935, 112 pp. (Written 1934.)

Religion, church, religious controversy in Germany. Political-psychological series of the Sex-Pol, No. 3.

1. Introduction (Manuscript October 1935), pp. 3-8
2. Position of the worker's press in the church controversy, pp. 9-18
3. Protestantism, pp. 19-35
4. Catholicism, pp. 36-53
5. Foundations of religion, pp. 54-80
6. The Germanic religious movement ("Aryan Christians"), pp. 81-98
7. Some practical conclusions, pp. 99-110




Wilhelm Reich: Masse und Staat. Zur Frage der Rolle der Massenstruktur in der sozialistischen Bewegung - Politisch-Psychologische Schriftenreihe der Sex-Pol, Nr. 3a, Kopenhagen: Sexpol-Verlag, (Ende) 1935, 112 pp. (Circa 100 copies circulated, only for internal discussion, not on the market, in the capitalist countries sent to selected comrades, in the Soviet Union to the leading authorities. In: Mass Psychology of Fascism. And in: The Journal of Orgonomy, 1996-2001.)

Mass and state. Concerning the question of the role of the structure of the masses in the socialist movement. Political-psychological series of the Sex-Pol, No. 3a.

Expressing truths - but how and when?, pp. 1-5
"What is going on in the masses?," pp. 6-13
Socialism as desired goal of the Earth's population, pp. 14-23
The "demise of the state," pp. 24-45
The introduction of "Soviet democracy," pp. 46-52
The problem of voluntary work discipline, pp. 53-80
Is the Soviet Union becoming nationalistic?, pp. 80-99
Mass structure and state apparatus, pp. 100-122




Wilhelm Reich: Der Urgegensatz des vegetativen Lebens - Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie, Nr. 2, Kopenhagen 1935, 35 pp. (In: The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety.)

The primary antithesis of vegetative life. Treatises on personal sex-economy, No. 2.

1. Starting point and fundamental ideas
2. Sexual excitation and anxiety affect

a. The problem of anxiety
b. Sexuality and anxiety as opposite excitations of the vegetative life apparatus
c. The Misch choline experiment
d. The two basic forms of psychic functions: "Toward the world" - "Away from the world"

3. Tendency to assume spherical form
4. The vegetative primary form of the sexuality-anxiety antithesis

a. The flow of fluids and psychic "tendency" in the organism

5. Kraus' "fluid theory of life"
6. Potassium and calcium ions and the vegetative function
7. The antithesis of center and periphery



Wilhelm Reich: Psychischer Kontakt und vegetative Strömung. Ein Beitrag zur Affektlehre und charakteranalytischen Technik, Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie, Nr. 3, Kopenhagen, Prag, Zürich: Sexpol Verlag, (May) 1935, 60 pp. (Lecture at the 13. International Psychoanalytical Conference in Luzern, August 1934. Manuscript dated February 1935. In: Character Analysis.)

Psychic contact and vegetative streaming. A contribution to the theory of affect and the technique of character analysis. Treatises on personal sex-economy, No. 3.

1. The antithesis of drive and outer world as starting-point
2. Some technical premises
3. The change of function of the drive
4. The intellect as defense function
5. The interlacing of the defenses against the drives
6. Contactlessness
7. Substitute contact
8. The psychological representation of the organic

a. The idea of "bursting"
b. On the problem of the idea of death

9. Pleasure, anxiety, anger, and muscular armor
10. The two great leaps in natural development




ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE, Vol. II(1)(5) (June 1935), Editor: Ernst Parell (Wilhelm Reich)


Die Redaktion der Zeitschrift: "An unsere Freunde und Leser" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 1-4

The editors of the Journal. To our friends and readers.



Wilhelm Reich: "Überblick über das Forschungsgebiet der Sexualökonomie" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 5-13 (Dutch translation: "Het arbeidsveld der 'Sexualökonomie'" De Nieuwe Kern, Amsterdam, Vol. 3, December 1935.)

An overview of the field of research of sex-economy.


J.H. Leunbach: "Von der bürgerlichen Sexualreform zur revolutionären Sexualpolitik" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 14-25

From bourgeois sex-reform to revolutionary sex-politics.



Jonny (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Zur massenpsychologischen Wirkung des Kriegsfilms" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 26-31

On the mass-psychological impact of the war-film.



Walter Roner (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Die Funktion der 'objektiven Wertewelt'" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 32-43 (Manuscript July 1932. With an enclosed correction note.)

The function of the "world of objective values."


Anne Hartmann: "Kleinbürgerlicher Individualismus" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 44-46

Petty-bourgeois individualism.



Ernst Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Ein Gespräch mit einem Frisörgehilfen" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 46-48 (About the surplus value of Marxist theory.)

A talk with a barber's helper.



N.N.: "Lasst Blusen sprechen" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 48-50 (On Communist propaganda.)

Let the blouses speak.


Julius Epstein: "Das neue Homosexuellen-Gesetz Sowjet-Russlands" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 50-51

The new homosexuality legislation of Soviet Russia.


J.H. Leunbach: "Magnus Hirschfeld in Memoriam" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 52-53



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Der Ausschluss Wilhelm Reichs aus der Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 54-61 (In: Reich Speaks of Freud.)

The expulsion of Wilhelm Reich from the International Psychoanalytical Association.

Response to the International Psychoanalytical Association (dated Spring 1934), pp. 55-56



N.N.: "Ein Abtreibungsprozess in Dänemark" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 61-64 (With a preliminary remark by the editors.)

An abortion process in Denmark.



N.N.: "Sexpol-Schulung" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 64




N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Geschichte der deutschen Sex-Pol-Bewegung II" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 64-70 (Second part of 34o.)

On the history of the Sex-Pol movement: Part 2.

"Arguments" against Reich
The "......er resolution"

Resolution decided at the conference of the representatives of the proletarian-revolutionary youth organisation of the subdistrict ...... on 16.10.1932



E.P. (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): Review of "Misch, Käthe Dr.: Die biologischen Grundlagen der Freud'schen Angsttheorie" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 71-73

The biological foundation of Freud's theory of anxiety.


E.G.: Review of "Blumenthal, Ferdinand, Prof., Dr.: Ergebnisse der experimentellen Krebsforschung und Krebstherapie" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 73

Results of experimental cancer research and cancer therapy.


X.: Review of "Reiss, Hermann, Dr.: Versuch einer mechanistischen Analyse des Seelen- und Nervenlebens" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 73

Attempt of a mechanistic analysis of psychic and nervous life.


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "March, Lanval: La sterilisation sexuelle" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 73-74


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "Goddard, Herbert: Die Familie Kallikak (Friedrich Manns Pädagogisches Magazin XII. Reihe Rasse, No. 7) " ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 74-75

The Kallikak family. Paedagogical journal. Series on race.



Wilhelm Reich: Review of "August Forel: Rückblick auf mein Leben" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 75

Reminiscences of my life.


Buchauszug: "Die Tragik der Intellektuellen in der politischen Revolution - Aus 'Frauen und Mönche', Roman von Kallinikow" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 76-77

The tragedy of the intellectual in the political revolution. Excerpt from Women and Monks, a novel by Kallinikow.


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 77


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "D.H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover" and "M.J. Farrell: Devoted Women" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 77-79



Role: Review of "Willi Bredel: Die Prüfung (Roman aus einem Konzentrationslager)" ZPS II(1)(5), pp. 79-80

The Examination. A novel from a concentration camp.



Role: Review of "Willenbacher, Jörg.: Deutsche Flüsterwitze" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 80

German whispering jokes.


N.N.: "Zur Besprechung langten ein:" ZPS II(1)(5), p. 80

Received for review.



ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE, Vol. II(2)(6)(October 1935); Editor: Ernst Parell (Wilhelm Reich)

N.N.: "Ein Brief von Norman Haire/Antwort an Norman Haire" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 81-97 (Two letters.)

Correspondence between Leunbach and Haire.

Dear Dr. Leunbach!
Dear Dr. Haire!


Norman Haire/J.H. Leunbach: "Mitteilung an alle Mitglieder und Sektionen der Weltliga für Sexualreform" ZPS II(2)(6), p. 98 (In: 36a.)

Communication to all members and sections of the World League for Sex-Reform.



Ernst Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Unterschiede zwischen liberalistischer Sexualreform und revolutionärer Sexualpolitik" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 99-103

The differences between liberalistic sex-reform and revolutionary sex-politics.


Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): "Grundlagen der Religion" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 103-129

Foundations of religion.

1. Summary of our investigation thus far
2. Marx and Engels on religion: religion as ideology
3. Religion as psychic structure
4. Religion as "redemption"



Ernst Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Wie wirkt Streichers sadistische Pornographie?" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 129-133 (Swedish translation: "Hur verker Streichers sadistika pornografti" Göteborgs Handelsoch Sjofarts Tidning, 3. June 1936. Partly in: The Function of the Orgasm, chapter 7.)

What is the effect of Julius Streicher's sadistic pornography?

The perverse fantasy
Streicher's method


Jørgen Neergaard: "Einige Notizen über Psychoanalyse und Sexualökonomie" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 134-136

Some Notes on psychoanalysis and sex-economy.



N.N.: "Sexualpolitische Korrespondenz" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 136-137 (About a letter and newsclips on homosexuality in Dutch Indonesia, New York prisons, Washington, D.C., and devil worshippers in London, followed by a commentary by Reich.)

Sex-political correspondence.



N.N. : "Sex-Pol-Bewegung" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 137-138 (Re 35K and the question of the concrete formation of the Sexpol organisation. Cf. 36s.)

Sex-Pol movement.


N.N.: "Besprechung in 'Le Probleme sexuel' Nr. 5/1935. 'Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse'" ZPS II(2)(6), p. 138 (About a review of 34b. Citation and short comment.)

Review of "Dialectical materialism and psychoanalysis" in "The sexual problem."


Mo.: Review of "Sandor Radó: Der Kastrationskomplex des Weibes" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 138-139

The castration complex of the female.


M.: Review of "Fenichel, Otto: Zur Theorie der psychoanalytischen Technik" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 139-140

Concerning the theory of psychoanalytic technique.


J.N. (Jørgen Neergaard): Review of "Dr. Rudolph Allers: Sexualpädagogik" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 140-141 (Cf. 35h.)



M.: Review of "Verse der Emigration, gesammelt von Heinz Wielek" ZPS II(2)(6), p. 141

Compiled verses of the emigration.


N.N.: "Zur Besprechung langten ein:" ZPS II(2)(6), p. 141

Received for review.



N.N.: "Mitteilung der Redaktion" ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 141-142 (On the sex-politics of the Soviet Union. Announcing 36a. And on inquiries for psychoanalytical education and treatment.)

Communication from the editors.



ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE (Organ of the Sexpol), Vol. II(3)(7); Editor: Ernst Parell (Wilhelm Reich)


Wilhelm Reich: "Der Kampf um die neue Moral" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 145-166

The battle for the new morality.

The inhibition of the sexual revolution in the USSR (in: 36a, second part, 3. chapter)

a) The prerequisite of the inhibition
b) Moralizing instead of seeing through and coping with
d) Objective reasons for the inhibition

Secondary drive and moralistic regulation (in: 36a, first part, 1. chapter)

Our "morality"


Rolf Reventlow: "Die Familie, eine wirtschaftliche Institution" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 166-175

The family, an economic institution.


Erna (pseudonym of Annie Reich): "Zur Frage der Sexualaufklärung" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 175-178 (Identical with Dr. Annie Reich: "Zur Frage der Sexualaufklärung" Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik III(2,3), Nov./Dec. 1928, pp. 98-100.)

On the problem of sex education.


Julius Epstein: "Das Dritte Reich und die Homosexuellen" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 178-181

The Third Reich and the homosexuals.


Jørgen Neergaard: "Mit Lisa Jensen durch Nord-Schweden" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 181-184

With sex-reformer Lisa Jensen through Northern Sweden.



N.N.: "Einige Fortschritte der Sexpol" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 184-186

Some progress of the Sexpol.


N.N.: "Kleine Sexpolnachrichten" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 186-187 (About the debate on divorce in England.)

Small Sexpol news.



N.N.: "Gegen Kulissen-Politiker" ZPS II(3)(7), p. 187 (Statement against Fenichel's "secret group" of marxist psychoanalysts, without mentioning names.)

Against stage-set politicians.



N.N.: "Masse und Staat" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 187-188 (Announcing 35b.)

Mass and state.



N.N.: "Zur Methode des Kampfes gegen die Nazis" ZPS II(3)(7), p. 188

Concerning methods of the fight against the Nazis.



N.N.: "Mit Stalin in Tuschino" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 188-189 (Excerpts from Soviet-German newspapers and a commentary.)

With Stalin in Tushino.



N.N.: "Gespräch mit einem Jugendlichen" ZPS II(3)(7), p. 189

Conversation with a youth.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Der Jude im faschistischen Licht" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 189-190

The Jew in the fascist light.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): Review of "Edward Glover: Über Psychoanalyse, Krieg und Frieden" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 190-192 (About the exchange between Fenichel and Edward Glover in the Internationales Ärztliche Bulletin.)

On psychoanalysis, war and peace.



Roner (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): Review of "Frida Hauswirth: Schleier vor Indiens Frauengemächern" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 192-193

Veils over the women's chambers of India.


M.: Review of "Kogerer, Heinrich, Dozent: Psychotherapie, Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und Ärzte" ZPS II(3)(7), p. 193

Psychotherapy. A manual for students and physicians.



P.: Review of "Heinz Liepmann: Wird mit dem Tode bestraft" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 193-194

"Is Sentenced to Death," a novel on the proletarian resistance in Nazi-Germany.


Sch.: Review of "Alexander Gerassimov: Der Kampf gegen die erste russische Revolution" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 194-195

The fight against the first Russian revolution (1905).


K.T. (Karl Teschitz [pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky]): "Berichtigung zum Aufsatz über 'Grundlagen für Religion' im letzten Heft" ZPS II(3)(7), p. 195

Correction of the article "Foundations of Religion" in the last issue (ZPS II(2)(6), pp. 103-129).



N.N.: "Mitteilungen der Redaktion" ZPS II(3)(7), p. 196

Communications of the editors.




N.N.: supplement note to ZPS II(2)(6) on Mussolini's assault on Ethiopia in October, asking why there were no mass demonstrations in the Soviet Union



MITTEILUNGSBLATT DER SEXPOL, Oslo: Sexpol-Verlag (Newsletter for Sexpol groups in different countries.)


N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol, No. 1, October 1935, 6 pp.

To the friends of the Sexpol!
Inquiries concerning the concrete formation of the Sexpol organisation
Inquiries for psychoanalytic training and therapy
Increase in our sales of literature
Personal contact of our friends
Discussions, reports, inquiries
The Sexpol fund



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol, No. 2, November 1935, 9 pp.

Some progress of the Sexpol (publishing house, fund, international contacts, translations of Sexpol literature, the Sexpol movement)
Concerning the spontaneous formation of one's own Sexpol groups
Report from the Sexpol in Holland plus comment
What on principle we want to have said...
Concerning the method of the struggle against the Nazis





Wilhelm Reich: "Weitere Probleme und einige Konsequenzen der Charakteranalyse" IZP XXI(1), 1935, p. 129 (Bulletin of the International Psychoanalytical Association: I. report of the XIII. International Psychoanalytical Conference: 7. scientific meeting [31. August 1935], 6. lecture. Leitmotifs of Reich's lecture. Cf. 34x and 35d. In: Beyond Psychology.)

Further problems and some consequences of character analysis.




Wilhelm Reich: letter to the editor about the small article "Die wahre Hitlerjugend," Die Neue Weltbühne, Prague, XXXI. Vol., No. 41, 10. October 1935, p. 1304

The true Hitler Youth.



Th. Hartwig: "Die Kirche als sexualpolitisches Institut" Der Freidenker, Bern, 15. November 1935

The church as a sex-political institution.


J.H. Leunbach: "The Significance of Marriage" Marriage Hygiene (Organ of the Indian birth control movement), Vol. 1, Bombay 1934, pp. 281ff





Wilhelm Reich: "The Fundamental Problem of Form" Orgonomic Functionalism Vol. 5, Summer 1994, p. 89




1.1., 3.1., 8.1., 20.1., 28.1., 18.2., 8.3., 14.4., 15.4., 27.5., 13.6., 30.9., 17.10., 19.10., 22.10., 29.10., 10.12., 11.12., 18.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994




Wilhelm Reich to Fritz Brupbacher: 25.11. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/81, p. 66


Wilhelm Reich to Felix Deutsch: 21.1. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967. And in: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


editorial staff of the Zeitschrift für Sexualökonomie to Otto Fenichel: 28.2. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, p. 196


Wilhelm Reich to Sigmund Freud: 20.5. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967. And in: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Georg Gerö: March (described) In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, p. 203


Wilhelm Reich to Wilhelm Hoffmann and H. Löwenbach: 6.9. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Lotte Liebeck: 7.1., 15.1., 5.2., 11.3., 30.3. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Lotte Liebeck: 15.1., 11.3., 30.3., 1.4. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Elsa Lindenberg: 3.2., 5.2., 28.2., 1.3., 6.3. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to H. Löwenbach: 15.4. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Alfred Pink: 15.3., 15.4. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Annie Reich: 5.1., 26.2., 25.3. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Eva Reich: Jan. Described in: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 249
Wilhelm Reich to Eva Reich: 18.9. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Lore Reich: 14.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Harald Schjelderup: 26.9., 30.9. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Ellen Siersted: early 1935, 20.1., 15.2., 25.3., Nov. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 58-61


Wilhelm Reich to Leo Trotsky: 11.9. In: Leo Trotsky, Wilhelm Reich: "Five Letters" International Socialist Review, 1967. And in: Werkblatt, Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaftskritik, Wien, IV(1,2), 1987, p. 84



Max Eitingon to Wilhelm Reich: 29.12. Described in: N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "From the History of Orgone Biophysics, 2. The Expulsion of Wilhelm Reich from the International Psychoanalytical Association" Annals of the Orgone Institute I, footnote p. 118


Otto Fenichel to the editorial staff of the Zeitschrift für Sexualökonomie: 3.3. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, p. 197


Georg Gerö to Wilhelm Reich, Philipson, Neergaard, Muster: March In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 200-202


Friedrich Kraus to Wilhelm Reich: 5.1. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 123


Eva Reich to Wilhelm Reich: 12.1. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 462

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Peter Nasselstein